Simon Lea is a trained live blood analyst, EFT and NLP therapist and nutritionist.

With a solid belief that following a natural health lifestyle can be beneficial in reversing any disease Simon has spent many years researching all forms of natural health benefits.

His research into detoxification led to the belief that due to the large surface area of the skin it was the most effective way of detoxifying the body through sweat.

There were several claims that dry heat infrared saunas are the best way of inducing a sweat. He then looked into the most efficient method of heating the body with the infrared from all that was written and the different options of infrared heating element available, this research was all done with an attempt to learn as much as possible about how infrared worked, how it benefitted the body and so forth, searching everywhere for information.

There was very little information available surrounding all these claims as to how the infrared was affecting the body and why it was so good for you but it seemed to make sense so the research continued.

Simon decided to research and answer the how and why to these claims – (which eventually led to the writing of the book Sweating for Health which contains some GROUND BREAKING research and development of theories of how infrared benefits the human body.)

When he discovered the best infrared heating elements available he searched for a sauna in the UK to fulfil the requirements.

There was none available.

Simons Father, Maurice has also shared the interest of natural health throughout the years, and together they looked at sourcing some samples of these efficient saunas from the East.

When the sample saunas arrived a short time of using them showed there was a BIG PROBLEM. Because of the primitive nature of the thermostats in the original saunas, In any given sauna session the heating elements were OFF for HALF of the time.


It was not mentioned in any of the research undertaken and was only  noticed on practical use of the sauna.


Months of development and consultations with electronic development companies and software engineers led to the development of the UK’s best sauna heating control system.

Realising that there was missing information in the market Simon collated the research into the form of a book and continued to add to it.

During its writing Simon made contact with the manufacturers of the ceramic infrared heating elements. This led to them finding interest in the research and requesting the use of some of it to create a white paper, they commissioned a research project through IRISH University and found that the use of their infrared elements allowed the warming of blood in one part of the body, which they then proved allowed that blood to warm the rest of the body, even where there was no infrared applied, which explained very well how the bodies’ core temperature raises in the sauna.


All this research and development led to where we are now. So with the world’s best heating elements and the UK’s best heating control system we are confident to say that we have the UK’s best available infrared sauna for efficient use in all major health benefits.

This result was reached purely through the search to find the most efficient way of detoxing the human body.